Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Don't NEVER Wanna be a Mamma

Last week our ditch riders (modern day cowboys who get paid to make sure no one is stealing water) came and worked on the irrigation canal. From the tractor work they did a lot of sediment (sand, dirt, mud, and algae) filled our irrigation box. 

For those of you who don't know what an irrigation box is: it is a cement frame in the shape of a rectangle that has a measuring stick in it to measure how much water you have turned on from the main irrigation box to yours. You can only take your share or the ditch rider will lock your head gate and you will get no more water. The irrigation canal fills the main irrigation box and then fills your box. You can turn up and down and on and off your water from the main box. If you don't clean out sediment that fills your box you are not receiving the full amount of water you have paid for.

So, on a lovely morning last week, while the older children were in school, I pulled on my black and white polka dot Crocs irrigation boots with red fuzzy lining and headed up to the box. My youngest son raced me on his dirt bike. He won.

We arrived and he turned off the water from the main box so I wasn't up to my thighs in icy cold irrigation water and I, along with my loyal black dog, jumped in.

After the second shovel of mud that was Shish Fit mud (A dark sandy mud that smells like Fish Shit. My sisters and I called it Shish Fit as we were not allowed to curse when we were growing up!) the youngest decided this work was not so much fun. He looked at me and stated, "I don't NEVER WANNA BE A MAMMA! Did you ever wanna be a dad?"

I thought to myself, "Well son, you are in luck because in this life you won't ever have to be a Mamma. Despite your double negative."

I then said out loud, "Yes, I have wanted to be a dad before. Why don't you wanna be a Mamma?" He said, "Cause I don't never wanna get in that box and smell that nasty mud."

So, my question to you is: "Did you never wanna be a Mamma and wish you were a dad?"
My Boy Who Don't Never Wanna Be A Mamma

Who do you think has more fun, more heartache, more blessings, more love and why?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Isn't This Just Magical?

This blog will be a bit of everything, just like me.

The title came from something my daughter said to her Granny & Pappy a few years ago. She was sitting in between them on the way up to their cabin, put her arms around them and said:

"Isn't This Magical?"

My Beautiful Magical Girl!

A bit about me:
  • I am rude, crude and socially unacceptable.
  • I am well spoken, well mannered, and socially acceptable.
  • I love curse words.
  • I love to sound prude.
  • I love to cook.
  • I love to eat out.
  • I am a breathing, living, walking oxymoron. 
  • I am a little bit of everything.

I told my husband a long time ago I would love to fit in anywhere. Examples: A black tie event, a biker bar, a farm, a city, a ho-down, the ballet, a parent group, a group of singles. I don't want to fit in to make me feel comfortable. I don't want to fit in because I don't know who I am. I want to be a chameleon because I want to get to know people for who they are. If you always wear a business suit and heels you are missing out on meeting a lot of really great people.

So, this will be a BLOG in the truest sense of the term. I wanted somewhere I could log the events of my crazy life, things my kids say, recipes and books I love, and anything else I want to share with the world. At this point I want to share everything. Because I am pretty awesome and the world would be missing out on something amazing if I chose not to.

I am a little bit of everyting.